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Vibrant® Xtrakt

Liquid Worm Casting Extract

Vibrant® XTRAKT is a premium, low-salt organic fertilizer made exclusively from earthworm castings and enriched with a proprietary blend of soil microbes and mycorrhizae. These components rejuvenate the soil and promote healthy plant and turf growth. Our worms are raised indoors in a climate-controlled environment and fed a consistent, clean diet, free from animal and yard waste, ensuring high-quality fertilizer throughout the season. Ormanic XTRAKT is safe and easy to use for both soil and foliar applications—its low-salt formula won’t burn or damage plants. Additionally, it is pathogen-free and produced without any animal or yard waste.

•  Enriches the soil to feed the plant

•  Promotes soil fertility and inoculates the soil with beneficial microbes and mycorrhizae

•  Encourages biological activity in the soil by cultivating the growth of beneficial soil microbes.

•  Enhances the efficiency of applied fertilizers by increasing C.E.C

•  Increases availability and uptake of essential nutrients

•  Accelerates root establishment and increases root mass

•  Enhances plant growth, flowering and fruit production

•  Improves disease, drought and stress tolerance

•  Increases water holding capacity of the soil

•  Reduces transplant shock

•  Helps degrade thatch

Total Nitrogen (N).................................................0.13%
0.13% Water Soluble Nitrogen
Available Phosphate (P2O5).................................0.01%
Soluble Potash (K2O)..........................................0.016%

Derived from Earthworm Castings

Turfgrass: Apply 6 to 8 ounces per 1,000 ft2 (2 to 2.75 gallons per acre) every 2 weeks or 12 to 16 ounces per 1,000 ft2 (4 to 5.5 gallons per acre) every month throughout the season and again in late fall.

Horticultural Foliar Spray: Mix a 1:100 solution of Ormanic XTRAKT. Apply as a spray to cover the entire leaf canopy until run-off.

Deep Root Fertilization for Arboriculture Applications: Mix 2 to 5 gallons of Ormanic XTRAKT per 100 gallons of water. Injection sites should be 2 to 3 feet apart and 12-15 inches deep for established trees on a radial grid pattern. Apply in early Spring and again in late Fall.

Drip irrigation for Field Grown Vegetables, Strawberries, etc.: Mix 2.5 to 5.0 gallons of Ormanic XTRAKT per 100 gallons of water. Apply as needed or every 14 to 28 days throughout the growing season.

See label for complete instructions.

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