Soil Inoculants

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RemeD8® WSP

Water Soluble Soil Inoculant

RemeD8® WSP is a water-soluble soil inoculant designed to improve nutrient use efficiency, maintain turf health and vigor, and, improve stress tolerance.

•  Creates a more vigorous soil ecosystem
•  Higher Cation Exchange Capacity (C.E.C.)
•  Enhanced root development, germination rates and stress tolerance
•  Faster nitrification process for better uptake of nitrogen
•  Nitrogen fixation to supplement applied nitrogen
•  Enhanced stress tolerance
•  Quicker recovery from pathogen attack
•  Prevention of excessive hydrophobic organic matter
•  And much more

5.3 X 109 cfu/gram Bacillus amyloliquefaciens

2.4 X 109 cfu/gram Bacillus lichenformis

1.1 X 109 cfu/gram Bacillus megaterium

4.5 X 109 cfu/gram Bacillus subtilis

Greens, tees and other low-cut turf:

Apply one 8 oz. packet of KaPre RemeD8-WSP per 1.0 - 1.25 acres.

Apply every 14 days throughout the season.

Fairways, roughs, sports turf and other long-cut turf:

Apply one 8 oz. packet of KaPre RemeD8-WSP per 2.0 - 2.5 acres.

Apply every 14 days throughout the season.

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