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PRONYX® KelpPlus

Sea Kelp + Amino Acid Solution

Pronyx® KelpPlus is a concentrated liquid fertilizer containing sea kelp in addition to an array of 17 water-soluble FREE L-amino acids.

•  Provides a nutritional supplement through the release of naturally occurring plant nutrients and minerals
•  Accelerates and improves seed germination
•  Promotes vigorous rooting and overall plant health

The Pronyx Advantage

Amino Acids: 100% of these amino acids are free amino acids so they are quickly available to the plant. Amino acids can complex micronutrients tied up in the soil, making them available for plant uptake.
Vitamins: Play important roles in plant health and growth, nutrient transport systems in cold temperatures and root regeneration. A, B, B1, B12, C, E, K and PP

Total Nitrogen (N)....................................................................1.0%
1.0% Water Soluble Nitrogen
Available Phosphate (P2O5 )....................................................1.0%
Soluble Potash (K2O)...............................................................1.0%
Derived from kelp and amino acids.

Agricultural/Horticultural: Apply 1 to 2 quarts per acre every 2 weeks throughout the growing season.

Turf:  Apply 3 – 6 oz. of Pronyx per 1,000 ft2 (1 – 2 gal. per acre).  Apply before and after stressful events such as drought, heat stress, etc.

Ornamental Plant Maintenance:  Dilute 1 – 3 oz. of Pronyx  per gal. of water.  Apply as a soil drench for stressed plants or spray diluted solution on foliage to run-off and apply every 30 to 60 days to promote flowering.

Tree Maintenance:  Mix 0.5 – 2.0 gal. of Pronyx  per 100 gal. of water and apply with fertilizer to the root zone with injection feeding equipment.

Transplants:  Dilute 1 – 3 oz. of Pronyx  per gal. of water and water into root zone at the time of planting.  During stress periods, repeat 30 days after planting.

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