Increase of 5 Bushels Per Acre with Hype

Formulated from Performance Nutrition products

Soybean Field Rows in summer

In Plain City Ohio, JCW Farms used Hype 3-3-2 from Novus AG at a rate of 1 gallon per acre on their soybean crop and saw an increase of 5 bushels per acre over the previous year’s harvest. Hype is formulated from Krystal Klear Agra Mix III, Krystal Klear Ca, and Krystal Klear Mg from Performance Nutrition. The Hype was applied on the beans with the farm’s glophosate pass.

“Last year I used just manganese but I like the Hype because it has a balance of micros in it. I saw a 5 bushel difference using Hype on my soybeans. Because of the success I had using Hype on my beans, next year I will be using it on my corn,” JCW Farms reported in a written statement.