Amino Acids
Amino Acid Sprayable Powders
Pennamin®® amino acids and micronutrients provide safe and effective foliar micronutrition, along with non-leaching organic nitrogen. Pennamin products enhance fertilizer efficiency, bolster plant vigor, and promote robust root development..
All Pennamin products contain a blend of 18 free L-amino acids and biodegradable LidoQuest IDS-40.
• Pennamin products are readily absorbed by plants.
• Pennamin products have a low C:N ratio (6:1), which assures that the organic nitrogen is utilized by plants.
• Pennamin products help chelate soil micronutrients, making them more available.
• Pennamin products are a great source of high quality carbon.
Pennamin Ca, Ca&Mg, Fe&Mn, Mg, Mn, High K, Perfect K, Driver-P
Apply 0.40 – 2 oz. per 1000 ft2 (1 – 5 lb. per acre).
Apply every 14 to 28 days as needed.
Applications on turf and ornamentals can be made throughout the growing season.
Pennamin Si
Cool Season – Apply 0.2 to 0.5 oz. per 1,000 ft2 (0.5 – 1.5 lb. per acre)
Warm Season – Apply 0.2 – 0.9 oz. per 1,000 ft2 (0.5 – 2.5 lb. per acre)